the power of groups…

Humans are inherently social creatures. Groups can provide tremendous support for people to rediscover that none of us are struggling alone.

group specialties

  • Eating Disorder Support Groups

  • Intuitive Eating Group

  • Emotional Eating Group

  • Therapeutic Cooking Group

  • Meal Support Group

  • Body Image Group (co-lead by therapist)

  • RO DBT classes (co-lead by therapist)

All groups are census dependent. If you are interested in one or more of these groups but do not see them currently offered below, please reach out to us!

Led by Lindsay Bailey MS, RD, LD, CEDS-S, CDCES, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

This class might be for you if you’re ready to…

  • Break up with a cycle of dieting

  • Find joy in movement, rather than punishment

  • Honor your body’s biological hunger/fullness

  • Gain more pleasure and satisfaction from your eating experiences

  • Remove the guilt, shame, and self-judgement from eating the foods you enjoy

  • Learn how emotions can play a role in our eating patterns

  • Honor your health by utilizing evidence-based nutrition information in a way that does not sacrifice your mental health and well-being

The class is open to those who have answered ‘yes!’ to the above questions. It is not for those looking for a ‘quick fix’ but we understand in this society, so many folks are seeking weight loss—and if this is you, we consider you to join in and learn the ‘why’ behind why folks want to pursue weight loss, and explore the motivations underneath. Something to keep in mind is that healing your relationship with food cannot happen when actively trying to lose weight at the same time as these practices contraindicate one another. Participating in this class will empower you to make health promoting behavior changes and mental shifts that aim to support your overall well-being. These changes may or may not involve changes in one’s weight.

*this class is not open to those who are currently in active treatment for an eating disorder. If you are seeing a KJN dietitian, please inquire about the class in session with you RD to discuss whether or not this class would be a fit!

When: January 20th - April 7th on Mondays starting at 5:30pm MST (10 weeks of class total, first week in February skipped)

Where: Virtual via zoom

Cost: $50/class billed monthly. Equitable pricing options available—please feel free to contact us!

If you have any questions regarding this class, please direct them to


Please fill out the form below to RSVP or ask about the class

Intuitive Eating Class

support group: parents, caregivers, support partners of folks with eating disorders

When: Ongoing/drop in group held on Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm MST. Group is census dependent.

Where: Held virtually via zoom

For who: This group is for parents, family members, caregivers, support partners etc of folks with eating disorders. The focus will be learning how an eating disorder can impact a person’s life, and how the individuals in their life can best support them during recovery.

Price: Pay what you can. Suggesting $20/family per session.

for more information or to RSVP, please fill out the form below or contact

This group is census dependent and will not take place unless 3+ families are signed up. Please email Lindsay or fill out the form below and she will contact you with more information.

Led by Kayla Jessop RDN, CDN, CEDS-S and Claire Pomorski RDN, CD

If you find yourself or a loved one struggling with food or the relationship with their body, just know that you are not alone. Contemplating whether or not to receive help can be coupled with confusion. You may ask yourself questions like:

  • Am I even sick enough to receive help?

  • Is this something I can do by myself, or do I need a dietitian?

  • Will I ever be able to break free from the cyclic nature of my food/body obsession?

  • What does outpatient nutrition therapy look like?

If you resonate with any of these questions, we’d love to offer support to you. It’s our goal to address your questions, and concerns while reducing the shame that may come with. This support group meets virtually once a month on the first Monday of each month after the initial group held on August 16th, 2023 at 8pm MST.

If you have any questions regarding this group, please direct them to

Please fill out the form below to RSVP for a group

free support group: contemplating change & embracing wellbeing